JANWe had many events in this month and our residents spent the daily life with smail and happyness. We had many surpport from diffenrent angle which makes our activities efficent. Thanks for your supports.It was warm in this mpnth than usualdue to global warming. And we are keeping healthy days under one family. 162 images · 2 videos |
FEBWe had warm winter in this year. The nursing home continue the daily routine same ans usual with Happyness. The Corona virus scattered the all over the world. It is not outof under controle. We should check the information properly and work to prevent it. Our residents in nurshing home are very old in their age, but keep a healty life. Hope the virus will be affraid attack us. 94 images · 2 videos |
MARWe are in the 3rd Month of the year. Everything are going on well except covid19 issue. It takes time to over this worldwide ploblem. We should be patient and continue our duty with maximum safty arrengment. The smile of the residents and hand of various supporters encourage our staff. Let us do our best for this crusial period. 98 images · 4 videos |
APRWe see the corona virus all over the world and expand the epidemic day by day. We are try to do best to prevent to get ill as possible as we can. We partiaaly do restrict the visitors and gardeners entry at our venue. It is unknown that when it is over this issue. Now some business enterprise have changed the model. Most of restaurant start the take away service. Some hotels provide the free room for the medical staffs or turn into small hospital. It is the time to change our mind and minimize the risk of affected by corona. We should find out new system and make renovation in our social care service, too. Let us do and work together with you. 83 images · 7 videos |
MayIt was the hard period with Corona issue in this month but we implement differenet way to prevent the infection. Our nurshing home spends same as usual with full of events in this month. We do try to make our effort to keep our social welfare service and offer better services. Thanks for the support in different section. Work together for bright future. 121 images · 3 videos |
JUNWe are in the truning point of the year 2020 with Corona virus. We are lucky to continue our dutey without infection of Covid-19. We did performed event as same as usual and keep the happy days in our nursing home. It takes more time to finish the corona crisis. But there are many things to learn and we should live with corona management. I think we get some warning in our past human history from almighty. Anyhow let us keep our activity with your cooperation. 78 images · 5 videos |
JULWe are in end of August and our service is going on well. We had plenty of activities as same as usual. These littile activities encourage our big family and residents keep health life both in mind and health. Let us continue us and live together as best nursing home. Some of our residents recover from thier ill with our special care. Thanks for the cooperation of many supporters in different sector. Please keep in touch. 110 images · 6 videos |
AUGWe are in end of Augsut which had heat wave in this season. But we do it well as elders care home same as usual. Some resident back to our home from hospital for the treatment. And oure care brought her drastic recovery from her scikness. It is great pleasure for us to provide the hope to the residience. Live together with love forever. Thanks for the supporter in different sector. It encourage our activities and leads to the hope for the residiens and ourselves. 53 images · 17 videos |
SEPIt is the end of the September today. We do manage same as usual with peacefull days. We share the happiness, pain and worryed. It is our motto to live for the others makes ourselves happy.Hope we do continue this activities with many supporters.Thanks for all. 38 images · 19 videos |
OCTWe are live with corona in these days. The power of virus is getting strong in winter. We should keep the safty measure. When we break the balance between human life and nature,the corona virus attack us. We should keep the balance for the nature. It is new lifestyle to coexist virus. Our Nursing Home is managing well. We always keep the starting point and follow the nature, then our internal heart and mind also follow the starting point.It is real new life style. 44 images · 13 videos |
NOVTime is passing so fast. We have got many supports from differect sector. We live together with local community.Thanks for all the supporter who makes our home very pleasent with full of activities. It is getting cold day by day but we do best to manage our nursing home with you. Thanks again for your participate and cooperation. 52 images · 7 videos |
DECThe year 2020 has over with many supports from different sector. It was very serious for the Corona Issue always. Still we are live with risk of Corona infection. But we do our service with maximum safety measure and promoto our duty as usual. The Cold Wave hit us in the end of year. Please take care and stay safe. Thanks again for your cooperation. 49 images · 6 videos |