JANWe had sevier cold wave whole Japan in this month. Snow keeps down temperature but Snow view event makes our heart and mind warm and comfortable. We did held many event in this first month of year same as usual. Please keep in touch. 220 images · 1 video |
FEBThe positive of Covid-19 has decreased sharply. But still We keep the safty measure and think toward the Live with Corona. We did many things to prevent this disease for past years. Keep our body and mind healthy always. And we make the immun system strong.It is one of the way to pretect ouselves. We had many events in this month and keep the happy days. Thanks for many supporters. 166 images · 2 videos |
MARIt is getting warm and continue pleasant days. We did piknick near by Funaoka Park. We had event for White day in March. And Plenty of fresh vegetable has been brought by neigbours.Thanks for the cooperation. Let us try to close contact with local people and the organization. We do our best for maintain our business always. 191 images |
APRApril is most pleasant period in the year. We see fesh green and flowers are blossome everywhere. We spend many hours in outdoor which keeps the residents health healthy. We do continue the natural therapy for the clients. Thanks for your cooperataion. 132 images · 3 videos |
MAYWe are in May. Time is passing very fast. It is not hot and cold in these days. Pleasant climate give us power and became more active for the events. Less upload on this web album in this month due to lots of work for the person in charge. Let us do our best to keep happy family with your help and cooperation. 76 images · 3 videos |
JUNThe half of the year has over. Covid-19 has almost over.The most of the nursing home has faced shortage of manpower. Local volunteers support us in every sector. Thanks for their hepping hand. We do try our best to provide best care for all. 76 images · 3 videos |
JULHot and hot days are continue more than 10 days. But we are doing well with many events and keep the home hapy. Many supporters contribute and we did held many events in this month,too. Thanks for the supporters and we will do our best. 134 images |
AUGIt is etremaly hot in this year due to global warming. But we do maintain our duty well. We spend many events and feel happy which makes our body and mental healthy. Thanks for all volunteers which support us. Let's woork together. 58 images |
SEPSeptember is over and we are in Autumn when we got pleasant climate all the day. We did good performance with many supporters in September. Thank you for your cooperation. 113 images · 3 videos |
OCTWe are supported with local community and many volunteers to maintain our project. Before the starting of Social welfare services, big family care the elders. Now the local community its self tend to become big family and support the elders care. 111 images · 3 videos |
NOVWe had pleasant days in November and it is the festival season. We had many outdoor activities in this month. Our residents kept full of smaile in any events. We do our best with your support. Thanks for your cooperation. 209 images · 1 video |
DECIt is almost end of the year 2023. But we did kepp our family sama as ordinary home and residents feel the changing of four seasen and joined many events. Thanks for the support for our home. We do our best with your help. 214 images · 3 videos |