JANA happy new year 2024. We are doing our duty well with your support. Please let us know your any comment to improove our services. We did many event same as usual.And we live peace with harmony. 199 images · 1 video |
FEBIt is the most cool season in the year. It is hard to go outdoor activities. But we live together with residents and keep the relationship more closer. We do perform many activities in this month, too. 102 images |
MARIt is getting warm day by day. We get many support from the local community and the others. We always cooperate with residence and try to do our best. Thanks for your helping hand. 166 images · 1 video |
APRWe are in April. It was pleasant month in a year with fresh green and Sakura blossoms. We do our best same as usual with fresh green. Thanks for all supporters. 86 images · 1 video |
MAYWe held ovenight stay at Hotel Minamikan in this month. All members were exciting and spent happy days. Thanks for all the supporters and we feel happy to fininsh it withou any trouble. It is part of real care for elders. We do perform nothing special. We think all are part of family. Thanks again for all the members and supporters. 146 images · 1 video |
JUNNow we are almost finish half of this year. We are facing many difficuluties due to manpower and heavy inflation. But we do try to manage with the supporters all the section. Our nursely home is small but the local community has a big family. We are part of it. 30 images · 1 video |
JULWe are alomost in Augusut. It is getting hot and hot day by day in end of July to mid August. We always try to make effort for the residence. Thanks for your cooperation. 185 images · 2 videos |
AUGThe climate has changed and it is getting very difficult to predict. But we do manage same as usual with local community. One of our residents has passed away with happy smile. We do our best always for the society. Thanks for the all supporters. 175 images · 2 videos |
SEPWe are in September. It was hot in early September but we do have many event as sport day, Full Moon day etc. We do create healthy life less medicine for cure. We do walk with many supporters and do active for better life in our big family. Thanks for your cooperation. 118 images · 2 videos |
OCTWe had a new member in this month. And we performed several event with full of happines. We had very good relation with local community but it took time to understand our position. Let us manage to act well for better society. 94 images · 2 videos |
NOVIt is the time for pleasure in Autumn. We had short trip with local train as the part of activity. Our residents are not to stay in the home,but walk out near by and feel the fresh air and put themselves in the society. All our activities bring the real life and happyness for all. 161 images · 3 videos |
DECIt is almost over the year 2024. Thanks for all supporters and residents as well as staffs. All are valuable position and as a resulst we do make happy home for elders. It is now common every corner of Asia to see the elderes with wheel chaire assist by family members. I never seen it befor. Whole world need the care of elders. 178 images · 4 videos |