Time is flying and we are in June 2020. The last month album has published today to recall the memory of the past history. We are doing our best to prevent corona infection in our social service. Let ...Read More
We are in March now. It was warm winter in year 2020 but corona virus attack world wide. We implement maximum alert for it safety. We do continue our duty as Nursing home as well as Social service f...Read More
We are almost close the year 2019. Time is flying always. We published the album 2019 December. Hope it recalls you nice memories in 2019. We are trying to do best for the elder’s care with love...Read More
We introduce the Album 2019 November. We had many events in this month as same as usual. We try to do best and honest in our duty. Many people and friends are supporting us in different angle whic...Read More
Eastern part of Japan faced several typhoon and heavy rain in this month. Death toll went up nearly 100 and 35,000 houses had got heavy damaged. There is no way to protect us from natural disaster...Read More
Discretion of monthly album 2019 has replaced Japanese to English. Now the viewers are easy to read the title and its description. It makes easy to observe our activities in Tanpopo Nursing Home. ...Read More
September climate in Kansai had continued pleasant days but little bit warm than as usual. It may cause of global warming. VAT(Value Added Tax) will be increase next month 8% to 10%. Many things are c...Read More