Time is flying and we are in December. We had many events in November as one family. Further more, we participate several official training of care. We took part KAIGO-KOUSIEN which is one of t...Read More
We appeal our corporation Statute in the website. It is required by law in Japan. Currently it is available only Japanese language. See the Statute...Read More
Album October 2019 has completed. I wish the viewers do enjoy this album to see nursing home’s activities. It is getting cold day by day but the corporation has passion to join special event RUN...Read More
Taiphoon(Cyclon) hits Osaka twice in this month. It was passing through over our area and many houses got damage. But our mind and heart keep strong connection which is one of the way to minimize th...Read More
Album August 2018 has added. This album has re-arranged based on our face-book page. Our face-book page has full of contain without absence as daily routine. Great record is because small efforts. S...Read More
Higher temperatures than usual and continued heavy rain has been hit this summer. The whole family of Yasuragi-no-Sato(Nursing Home) is doing well. Thank you for your support and guidance.We try to do...Read More
We will report that the damage of the Shin-Kita Osaka earthquake was almost unaffected. We were able to hold various events this month. Among wide range of activities as Princesses and Manju Yokocho...Read More
Our website changed its domain from https://tanpopo.universal.jp to https://tanpopo.universal.jp due to security reason. Most of the new website publish with https:// It is worldwide tendency. Please ...Read More
Album May 2018 has completed. Time is flying. We had many event in our family. There were many story among the event. Joy, happiness, excitement. How do we treat the clients? What is the real care? Le...Read More
Long awaited album April 2018 has completed. Editor was out of the city and spent the days at small village in the Nepal Mountain. It was hard to find out internet connection. I hope this album connec...Read More